Criminal Procedure Code 109 (2) When consent is given as in subsection (1) and an outstanding offence is taken into consideration, the Court shall enter or cause an entry to that effect to be made on the record and upon sentence being pronounced the accused shall not, unless the conviction which has been had is set aside, be liable to be charged or tried in respect of any such offence so taken into consideration. Charges to be in forms in Second Schedule 172. (1) All charges upon which persons are tried before the High Court shall be brought in the name of the Public Prosecutor, and be as nearly as possible in accordance with the forms in the Second Schedule and shall be signed by the Public Prosecutor or by some person authorized by him in that behalf, and in the latter case the words “By authority of the Public Prosecutor” shall be prefixed to the signature. (2) The proceedings shall not abate or determine by reason of the death or removal from office of the Public Prosecutor. Chapter XVIIIa PRE-TRIAL PROCESSES Pre-trial conference 172a. (1)  An accused who is charged with an offence and claims to be tried shall, by an advocate representing him, participate in a pre-trial conference with the prosecution before the commencement of the case management. (2) A pre-trial conference shall commence within thirty days from the date the accused was charged in court or any reasonable time before the commencement of the case management. (3) A pre-trial conference may be conducted by any means and at any venue as may be agreed upon by the advocate representing the accused and the prosecution.

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