To achieve and sustain our vision of providing a comprehensive first look at the emerging legal frameworks for human rights in the digital age, the CYRILLA Collaborative is always seeking new partners and volunteers to help us identify, tag, review, and upload new bills, law, case law, and analysis. You can browse some of our immediate needs below, and we’re also open to your ideas. If you or your organization would like to get involved, please email

Map the legal framework in your country We’re seeking country-level researchers with experience in legal research and/or policy analysis who can contribute legal data for national jurisdictions.

Let us know about landmark cases If you can access court decisions and conduct legal analysis, help us understand how new laws are being applied by assessing the impact of court decisions on digital rights.

Peer review new laws and caselaw To preserve the integrity of CYRILLA’s legal data, we are building a global network of peer reviewers with local experience in cyberlaw.

Contribute to our developing digital rights issue taxonomy Help us organize and annotate our collection of legal data so that it is usable, searchable, and relevant to the digital rights movement at large.

Visualize and hack with We invite programmers, legal informatics geeks, data visualizers, and others to experiment with building new tools with the CYRILLA API.

Tell us a user story Have you used CYRILLA to do your work? If so, let us know. We’ll add your experience to our User Stories on the CYRILLA News page.

Subscribe to the Digital Rights Law mailing list The mailing list, which includes a mix of civil society practitioners, academics, and legal experts, serves as a place where anyone interested in the topic can share information on new laws related to digital rights, new projects, or simply ask questions.

Finally, please share our work and follow @CYRILLA on Twitter to stay up-to-date!