
CYRILLA contains collections from various organizations, institutions and individuals who have contributed their legal data that focuses on particular countries or issue areas.

Right to Information Collection

To enable and protect access to information around the world, CYRILLA teamed up with the Global Right to Information (RTI) Rating to publish their collection of national right to information laws on our database. The Global RTI Rating, a collaborative project between the Centre for Law and Democracy and Access Info Europe, publishes national right to information and assesses their strength based on unique indicators. The quality and reliability of the RTI Rating has been recognized by numerous leading access to information experts, and it is regularly relied upon by a range of both official and civil society actors. By publishing the collection on CYRILLA, we hope to contextualize right to information law within the broader digital rights law movement. You can read more about the collaboration here.

Country Legal Frameworks

CYRILLA has included the Global Network Initiative’s (GNI) Country Legal Frameworks Resource (CLFR) reports under its Analysis Section. The CLFR helps shed light on governments’ legal authority to compel ICT companies to restrict access to communications services and/or content, or share users’ data. This form of digital regulation warrants particular scrutiny for the potential risk to ICT users’ rights. With reports on legal frameworks in over fifty countries, the CLFR also demonstrates the challenges some ICT companies may face in honoring their international human rights responsibilities and commitments when these domestic legal frameworks authorize disproportionate restrictions or lack uniform interpretation. The CLFR reports use a shared methodology to categorize the pertinent laws, regulations, and policies. You can read more about the collection here.