Defamation of Religions - Writer Fatima Naoot
Case Law- Country
- Country Location
Latitude: 26.104579336378865
Longitude: 29.274101257324222
- Country Location (Lié Case Law)
- Egypt
- Decision Date
- 15 janv. 2016
- Case Status
- Affaire Résolue
- Case Outcome (Procedural)
- Motion Granted
- Case Outcome (Disposition)
- Criminal Sanctions
- Keywords
- Blasphemy
- Freedom of Expression
- Religion
- Social Media
- Judicial Body
- First Instance Court
- Court Name
- Sayeda Zeinab Appellate Misdemeanor Court
- Case Number
- 11557/2014
- Case Summary
Naoot, a writer, was convicted in her absence and sentenced to imprisonment and a fine for denigrating Islam. Naoot, in a Facebook post, described the Islamic ritual of sacrificing sheep during Eid al-Adha as a “massacre”. On appeal, her sentence was reduced.
- Case Significance
The decision does not establish a binding or persuasive precedent within its jurisdiction. The significance of this case is undetermined at this point in time.
- Related Caselaw (self)
- Related Law
- Source Name and URL
- US Department of State
- Notes
Official government or legal records of this case are unavailable online.
- Collection
- Date Updated
- 9 août 2024
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