Gichuhi & 2 others v Data Protection Commissioner; Mathenge & another (Interested Parties) (Judicial Review E028 of 2023) [2023] KEHC 17321 (KLR) (Judicial Review) (12 May 2023) (Judgment) Neutral citation: [2023] KEHC 17321 (KLR) REPUBLIC OF KENYA IN THE HIGH COURT AT NAIROBI (MILIMANI LAW COURTS) JUDICIAL REVIEW JUDICIAL REVIEW E028 OF 2023 JM CHIGITI, J MAY 12, 2023 BETWEEN ALLEN WAIYAKI GICHUHI SC ...................................................... 1ST APPLICANT CHARLES WAMBUGU WAMAE .................................................... 2ND APPLICANT WAMAE & ALLEN ADVOCATES ................................................... 3RD APPLICANT AND DATA PROTECTION COMMISSIONER ........................................ RESPONDENT AND FLORENCE WAMUYU MATHENGE ................................... INTERESTED PARTY AMBROSE NDUNGU WAIGWA ........................................... INTERESTED PARTY (Originating from the decision of the Data Protection Commission dated January 6, 2023,in respect of the Reference No Odpc/conf/1/5/v01 1(112), Odpc Complaint No 677 Of 2022 Allen Waiyaki Gichuhi & Charles Wambugu Wamae Vs Florence Mathenge And Ambrose Waigwa) Jurisdiction of the Oce of the Data Protection Commission in rendering a decision is time bound The applicants sought to review a decision by the Office of the Data Protection Commission (ODPC) that was made outside the 90 day timeline set upon the ODPC by section 56(5) of the Data Protection Act. The applicants contended that the ODPC had no jurisdiction to render a decision outside the 90-day timeline. The High Court held that the decision of the ODPC dated January 6, 2023 was rendered outside time without jurisdiction and therefore a nullity. The moment the 90 days ended, the respondents’ jurisdiction lapsed. The High Court issued an order of mandamus compelling the respondent to readmit for fresh investigations the applicants’ complaint. Reported by John Ribia Jurisdiction – jurisdiction of the Office of the Data Protection Commission (ODPC) – where the granted the ODPC 90 days to make a determination on a complaint – where the ODPC rendered a decision outside the 90 day timeframe - whether the Office of the Data Protection Commission (ODPC) acted in excess of its jurisdiction 1

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