IN THE HIGH COURT OF TANZANIA (DAR ES SALAAM MAIN REGISTRY) AT PAR ES SALAAM (CORAM: E.M. FELESHI, J.K, B.S. MASOUD, J. & E.B. LUVANDA, 3.) MISCELLANEOUS CIVIL CAUSE NO. 30 OF 2018 IN THE MATTER OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA [1977 CAP. 2 R.E, 2002] AS AMENDED AND IN THE MATTER OF THE BASIC RIGHTS AND DUTIES ENFORCEMENT ACT [CAP. 3 R.E, 2002] AND IN THE MATTER OF A PETITION TO CHALLENGE THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF SECTIONS 9(1); 11; 30(1); 31(1), (2), (3) & (4) 34(4); 35; 42(1) & (2); 44(2) & (3) AND 54 OF THE PREVENTION OF TERRORISM ACT, 2002 [ACT NO. 21 OF 2002] RASHID AHMED KILINDO............................................. PETITIONER VERSUS THE HONOURABLE ATTORNEY GENERAL........................ RESPONDENT Date of Last Order: 30/10/2019 Date of Judgment: 31/08/2020 JUDGMENT FELESHI, J.K In this petition, the Court seeks to resolve the issue whether sections 9(1), 11, 30(1), 31(1), (2), (3) & (4), 34(4), 35, 42(1) & (2), 44(2) & (3) and 54 of the Prevention of Terrorism Act, Act No. 21 of 2002 (POTA) are in violation of some fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977, [Cap. 2] as amended (the Constitution). Page 1 of 37

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