REGISTEREDNo.M - 302 L.-7646 9 d sE[Idrm G$eGvdfic EXTRAOROINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHOBITY ISLAMABAD, SATLXDAY, DECEMBER.I, 2O2I PARI'I Acts, Ordinanccs, President's Ord€rs and Rcgulations SENATE SECRT]TARIAT Islanabarl. the 3rd Decenber. 2021 No. F. 9(46)/2021-Legis.-The following Act ol Majli!-e-Shoota (Parliament) received the asscnr ofthe President on lst December,2021 and is hun b; published for gencral information: AcT No. /1,1 Xxln oF 2021 Act ta ptunote. protect attd elle.livel! cnsute the indepemlence, tnpart@liry', saJeo" and lreeLlon oI e.tprcss ion ofi o umul ists and ned io proJessionals it is thc rcsponsibility ol lh€ Srale to safeguard thc right to frccdom oferpression. as containcd in Article l9 otlhc Constitution ofPakislan, I973, as \!cll as in Article l9 oflhc inlemational Covcnant on Civil and Politrcal WHEREAS Rights (i(ICPR). lvhich includes the arccdom to seek. rcccive and impan information and ideas of all kinds. re_eardlcss of frontiers, eirhcr orally. in wriring or in pnnt, in lhe fonn ofan. or through any other mcdia; A\t) !\'ttttRltAs ir strong culture of rs the requlremcnl o l' instilla joumalists. laking inlo an), democratic socicly to safety and independcnce of coDsideration sprecific aftacks on journalists ahd mcdia professionals; (E5i) Price: I I717(2021) Erccaz.l k 20.00

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