RBGISTERIiD NO..I4JIq2 L..1M I d nilfdml @eGatffi =.K EXTHAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHOFITY ISLA]I{ABAD, TIIIJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 2O2O PART I Acts, Ordinences, PresideD('s Orders atrd Regulaaions NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT lslamahad, the 23rd Seprenber, 2020 No. F. H(8ry2020-Legis.-The following Act of Majlis-e-Shoord (Parliament) received the assenl ofthe Prcsident on the 22nd S€ptember, 2020 is hereby ptrblished for general informatron:- ACT NO. XXXII OF 2O2O An ACI Jurther to anend the Antrterrorism Act, 1997 ( WtrtiRtjAs ir is expedrent furthcr to amend the A iterrorism Acl, 1997 XXVII of las7 t. for thc purposcs hcrcinaficr appearing: It is hereby enacted as follows:- I Short title aod commctrcemctrt.-{l) This Act may be called the Anti-terrorism (Third Amendment) Acl, 2020. (60r ) Price: Rt. 5.00 [6063(2020)/Ex. Gaz.]

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