$~13 * IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI + W.P.(C) 8998/2020 & CM APPL. 29024/2020 CENTRE FOR PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION AND ANR. .....Petitioners Through: Mr. Rahul Gupta and Mr. Arjun Adrian Dsouza, Advocates (through VC). versus UNION OF INDIA AND ORS. .....Respondents Through: Mr. Ajay Digpaul, CGSC with Mr. Kamal R. Digpaul and Ms. Akansha K., Advocates for UOI. CORAM: HON'BLE THE ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE TUSHAR RAO GEDELA ORDER 13.08.2024 % To await the order of the Supreme Court in the Transfer Petition filed by the petitioners, list on 20th December, 2024. ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE TUSHAR RAO GEDELA, J AUGUST 13, 2024/ kct This is a digitally signed order. The authenticity of the order can be re-verified from Delhi High Court Order Portal by scanning the QR code shown above. The Order is downloaded from the DHC Server on 21/11/2024 at 00:03:09

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