IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZNIA (MAIN REGISTRY) AT DAR ES SALAAM MISC. CIVIL CAUSE NO. 27860 OF 2024 (CORAM: MANYANDA, J., AGATHO, J., AND RUMISHA, J.) PAUL KISABO............................................................PETITIONER VERSUS MINISTER OF INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY....................... 1st RESPONDENT TANZANIA COMMUNICATIONS REGULATORY AUTHORITY.......................................................2nd RESPONDENT THE ATTORNEY GENERAL................................... 3rd RESPONDENT JUDGMENT Date of last order: 14.03.2024 Date of Judgement: 03.05.2024 AGATHO, J.: This case presents several novel issues of regulation of the cyberspace in Tanzania especially the allegation of restriction of access to a popular audio social media platform called Clubhouse. The Petitioner complains that the Respondents in particular, the 2nd Respondent in her capacity as the regulator and controller of Tanzania's cyberspace, has restricted access to and availability of Clubhouse. The Respondents have categorically denied the allegations. The Petitioner branded himself as a self-confessed regular user of Clubhouse. He claims that the denial of access to Clubhouse is an infringement of his fundamental constitutional rights enlisted in the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977 as amended (herein cited a CURT), and under various international treaties and conventions ratified by Tanzania. The rights and duties which he alleges to have been infringed upon include the right 1

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