ps6151B11pp y,.14-:102 L.-76d6 9 d pslfdtm @tGrtffi EXTRAORDINAFY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISLAMABAD, MOND AY, IrdLY PART 21, 2023 I Acts, Ordinances, President's Orders and Regulations NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRXTARIAT Islontabad, the lEth JuU, 2023 No. F.23 (90)D02r-L€gis,-The following Act of Majlis-e-Shooru (Parliament) receiYed thc assent ofthe President on the l8th July, 2023 is hereby published for gefleral infom]ation:- ACTNo, XXXVIT oF 2023 AN ACT Tothet to anend the Pteyention of Electronrc Crines Act, 2016, pdkistdn penal Code dnd the Somn-e-ShahadaL 1984 WHERIAS it is expedicnt further to amend the prevention of Electronic Crimes Act,2016 (Act Xt, of2016), Pakisran Penal Code (Act XLV of IE60) and the Qanun-e-Shahada\ i9E4 (P.O. No l0 oI 198.1), in the manner and for rhe purposcs hereinalter appearing; It is hcreby enacted as follows:- (ss5) Price: [1433(2023)/Ex. Gaz.] ]*. 10 00

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