VERDICTUM.IN NEUTRAL CITATION NO. 2023/DHC/001676 $~ * IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI % + Reserved on: 22.02.2023 Pronounced on: 06.03.2023 CRL.M.C. 2214/2020 & CRL.M.A. 15761/2020 TVF MEDIA LABS PVT LTD & ORS. Through: ..... Petitioners Mr. Vinayak Advocate Mehrotra, versus STATE (GOVT.OF NCT OF DELHI) & ANR. Through: ..... Respondents Mr. Naresh Kumar Chahar, APP for the State with SI Pawan Kumar, P.S. Mukherjee Nagar (56) + CRL.M.C. 2399/2020 & CRL.M.A. 16891/2020 APOORVA ARORA & ANR. Through: ..... Petitioners Mr. Siddharth Aggarwal, Senior Advocate with Ms. Neha, Mr. Anirudh Gotety, Ms. Sowjhanya Srikumar and Mr. Vishwajeet Singh Bhati, Advocates versus STATE & ANR. ..... Respondents Through: Mr. Naresh Kumar Chahar, APP for the State. (57) + CRL.M.C. 2215/2020 & CRL.M.A. 15763/2020 CRL.M.C. 2214/2020 & connected matters Page 1 of 41

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