No.-!4-:l!2 RXGTSTERED L.-7ffi 9 d Schtdtm @beGg;ffi EXiAAOROINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISLAIIIABAD, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3T, 2022 - PART I Acts, Ordinrnces, Prcsident's Orders and Regulations ]ATIONAL ASSEMBI,Y SECRETARLI.T hla lohod th? 30th Decc"tb?r 2022 No.F.23(60)/2022-Legis.-Thc following Ait of Majlis-eShoora (Padiament) received the assent of the Prcsident on the 30th December, 2022 is hereby pubiishcd to. &$eral.information:- Acl No. XL oF 2022 ACT to ensure access afnedia to persons in ull nattcts ofprlblic n thraugh |'okistun sign language Nrta cc WHERr^s it is expedienl Ibr deal pcrsons to acccss information in all malteB of public importance through Pakislan sign languagc broadcast media as guaranteed by thc Conslirulion of the Islamic Rcpublic of Pakistan ard for matters connected therewilh and inc;dcntal thereto: (12i7) Price: ll.1l25(2022)/Lx. Caz.l Rs. 14.00

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