POWERS OF REGISTRAR 27. Exercise of discretionary powers of Registrar. 28. Proceedings before Registrar. 29. Registrar may award costs. 30. Power of Registrar to fix time and place of sitting and to adjourn proceedings. 31. Power of Registrar to extend time-limits. PART IX APPEALS AND REFERENCES 32. Appeals from decisions of Registrar. 33. Time for appeals. 34. Powers of Tribunal on appeal. 35. References to Tribunal by Registrar. 36. Costs of Registrar. 37. Certification of validity of registration. PART X INFRINGEMENTS Tribunal or court that may hear proceedings for infringement of 38. registered layout-design. 39. Provisions applicable to proceedings for infringement of registered layout-design. 40. Remedies available in proceedings for infringement. 41. Anton Piller orders. 42. Remedy for groundless threats of infringement proceedings. PART XI OFFENCES AND PENALTIES 43. Falsification of certain documents. 44. Deceiving or influencing Registrar or officer. 45. Witness giving false evidence before Registrar. 46. False representation that layout-design is registered. PART XII EVIDENCE 47. Register to be evidence of entries therein. 48. Evidence of certain entries and documents. PART XIII GENERAL 49. Inspection of registered layout-design. 50. Recognition of agents. 51. Lodging and authentication of documents. 52. Notice of trusts not to be entered in Register. 53. Provisions as to fees. 54. Publication of matters in Journal. 55. Saving of rights in respect of articles forfeited to State. 56. Regulations. AN ACT to provide for the registration of layout-designs of integrated circuits and for the protection of registered layout-designs; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. [Date of commencement: 16 th November, 2001.] ENACTED by the President and the Parliament of Zimbabwe. PART I PRELIMINARY 1 Short title and date of commencement (1) This Act may be cited as the Integrated Circuit Layout-Designs Act [Chapter 26:07]. (2) This Act shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by the President by

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