Electronic Transactions Law Chapter One Definitions and General Provisions Article (1) In the application of this Law, The following words and expressions shall have the meaning assigned to them, unless the context otherwise provides: Government : The units of the state Administrative Apparatus and ex officio units. Minister : The Minister of National Economy. Competent Authority Electronic Transaction : : Electronic : Electronic Message : Electronic Mailing Electronic Record : : Electronic Data : Electronic Data Interchange : Electronic Intermediary : Computer Program : Intermediary : Processing System : The Information Technology Authority. Any action or contract concluded or to be partially or wholly executed by electronic messages. Any kind of means of modern technology with electric or digital or magnetic or wireless or optical or electromagnetic or photic or any other means of equivalent nature. Electronic information to be sent by electronic means whatever the method of its extraction at the location of receiving. Sending and receiving electronic messages. A contract or register or data message originated or stored or extracted or copied or sent or being informed or received by electronic means through a tangible intermediary or any other intermediary and should be receivable and understandable. Information or data to be interchanged electronically in the form of texts or symbols or sounds or pictures or photos or charts or computer programs or any other database. Transfer of information from person to person using an agreed standard to structure the information. A computer program or system or any other electronic means used for processing or responding to any process with the intention of originating or sending or receiving data message without interference of natural person. A collection of electronic information or instructions used directly or indirectly for processing electronic information with the purpose of obtaining specific results. The natural or juristic person who, on behalf of another, sends or receives or adopt or store an electronic transaction or performs services related to such a transaction. An electronic system for treating and processing data and information automatically for the purpose of 1

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